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Wildlife Solutions



Get Rid Of Wildlife Quickly With Our Humane Removal Methods Suppose you are living in the Greater Toronto Area. In that case, you may have seen our Toronto animal services wildlife control company on social media removing nuisance animals or even servicing a wildlife issue in your area. Our Toronto based wildlife company, located near the North York area specializes in humane animal removal. Our wildlife control experts provide professional services while rigorously following local laws and humane practices and are advocates for the humane and ethical treatment of all animals, whether wild animals or domestic animals.

No Roofer Needed!

For less than it costs to hire a roofer we can patch the affected area while also keeping it animal proof.

Various Wildlife Services



As much as we love to admire wildlife from afar, their presence on our property can become a major issue. It's not just a matter of annoyance; there are real health concerns that come with a wildlife problem. Many nuisance wildlife can carry diseases that can be harmful to you, your family, and your pets. It's essential to take precautions and protect your property from wildlife intrusions. Luckily, there are wildlife removal solutions available to help you with this. These solutions can help you remove any wildlife that may have entered your property and prevent them from coming back. Don't take any chances with the safety of your home, family, and pets. Protect them by investing in some effective wildlife removal solutions.

Get A Complete Solution To Your Nuisance Animal Problem

Achieving a wildlife-proof home all starts with the exterior inspection. ----------------Following the advice of our full-service wildlife removal company will reduce the chance of recurring animal problems. ---------- Prevent raccoons from damaging vulnerable areas of the roof or squirrels chewing electrical wiring inside the attic or crawl space

Wild Animal Control Solutions



Wild animal control solutions often involve humane wildlife removal and control services. These services are designed to deal with various wildlife populations including raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and other local animal species in a way that is both effective and humane. Professionals in this field are trained and experienced, offering support and strategies that include trapping, removal, exclusion, and prevention to ensure a lasting solution to wildlife disturbance

Long Term Skunk Solutions



Stop skunk spray and smell around your house by blocking access 100% to Their Nesting Area.


See What Your Neighbours Are Asking About Local Wildlife Issues.

What is the biggest threat to wildlife conservation?
  • There are several major threats to wildlife conservation, and they are diverse, interconnected, and critical. Some of the most significant ones include:
  • Habitat Destruction: This involves the deforestation, degradation, and fragmentation of natural habitats caused by human activities like urbanization, agriculture, and infrastructure development.
  • Pollution: Human lifestyles produce various forms of pollution, such as chemical, plastic, and noise pollution, which negatively impact wildlife health and habitats.
  • Climate Change: Altered weather patterns, rising sea levels, and increasing temperatures affect wildlife, disrupting migration patterns, breeding cycles, and food availability.
  • Illegal Wildlife Trade: Unlawful capture and sale of animals not only reduce their populations but also disrupt ecological balances.
  • Overexploitation and Poaching: Unsustainable hunting, fishing, and harvesting of wildlife for food, medicine, or entertainment result in population declines and, in some cases, extinction.
  • Invasive Species: Introduced species can outcompete, prey on, or bring diseases to native species, significantly impacting ecosystems.
  • Disease: The spread of diseases, often facilitated by human activities and environmental changes, poses significant risks to wildlife populations.
  • Each of these threats, whether individually or collectively, plays a crucial role in the challenges faced by wildlife conservation.
What are some endangered species in Ontario?

Ontario recently updated its list of endangered species, adding seven new animals in early 2023. While these species may be smaller and less noticeable to the general public, they are now recognized as at risk. Some notable endangered species in Ontario are the Golden Eagle (Endangered), Bobolink (Threatened), Eastern Wolf (formerly Algonquin Wolf, Threatened), Eastern Bluebird, Black Ash Trees (set to be protected as an endangered species in Ontario in 2024), and Redside Dace (with its habitat remaining protected under the Endangered Species Act). Overall, Ontario has identified over 230 native animals and plants as at-risk, indicating a growing concern for biodiversity conservation in the region.

What is wildlife control and why is it important in Ontario?

Wildlife control in Ontario refers to the practices and guidelines involved in managing wildlife species to ensure their populations and habitats are sustained over time. This includes balancing the needs of wildlife with those of the human population.

What types of wildlife are commonly found in Ontario?

Ontario is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including a variety of mammals, birds, and other species. Common large mammals found in Ontario include White-tailed Deer, Moose, Black Bear, and Elk.

What are some common methods of wildlife control in Ontario?

In Ontario, wildlife control employs a variety of humane and strategic approaches to manage interactions between wildlife and humans. These methods include exclusion and entry prevention techniques, using specialized products and fencing to prevent wildlife from entering properties.

Are there any regulations or laws regarding wildlife control in Ontario?

In Ontario, there are specific regulations and laws in place regarding wildlife control. Provincial laws generally prohibit the capturing and relocating of live wildlife, a measure that helps maintain ecological balance and prevent the spread of diseases.

How can I prevent wildlife from entering my property?

Preventing wildlife from entering your property involves a combination of proactive measures and property maintenance. These combined efforts can significantly reduce the likelihood of wildlife gaining entry to unwanted on your property.

What should I do if I encounter a wild animal on my property?

If you encounter a wild animal on your property, it’s important to prioritize safety and handle the situation calmly and wisely. Firstly, maintain a safe distance from the animal to avoid direct confrontation, as wild animals can be unpredictable and may bite, scratch, or transmit diseases.

Can I attempt to remove a wild animal on my own?

Attempting to remove a wild animal on your own is generally not recommended. The animals may become aggressive, and there’s a risk of injury or transmitting diseases.

What should I look for when choosing a wildlife control company?

Experience and expertise in handling various wildlife issues are crucial, as companies with a track record of successful interventions are more likely to offer reliable and humane solutions.

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